Last Easter period, a friend of ours decided to surprise his cousin with a little easter gift. Nothing extravagant. Just something thoughtful because he belie...
As Women's Day and Mother's Day approaches, it's worth considering that while flowers have long been the conventional choice, they represent a fleeting gestur...
The first year of marriage is often a whirlwind for couples. It's equal parts romance, learning, and realizing that, yes, their partner actually squeezes the ...
Have you ever tried getting a smile out of a young lady when you hand her a gift? That look (part skepticism, part judgment) can make even the most confident ...
We've seen that a simple "Happy Friendship Day!" text isn't always enough to celebrate those special friendships. Most people always look for something more m...
Imagine you're hiking up a steep trail when an unexpected downpour hits. Soaking and scrambling for cover, you glance at your wrist. Your so-called "rugged" w...
Last holiday season, one of our team members received a small, neatly wrapped box from his girlfriend. "You're going to love this," she said with a grin.
He s...
Just like with cars, brand name matters when buying watches. However, the term “best” is a matter of personal opinion. Some brands are the GOAT over others.
Whether you want a sporty or dressier watch, Longines basically has you covered in the $500 to $5,000 range.
I always bring this up whenever I get the chance to speak on podcasts: people gen...